How to Set Multiple Column Fields in Contact Form 7 Styler of UAG?

Many times users wish to add multiple form fields in column structure. This can be done by using a wrapper class.

The class you’ll be using for this is: “uagb-cf7_styler-col

You will need to use a parent wrapper with the above class name for every line you wish to insert. You will also need to enclose every Form element within a <span>tag.

For example –

For a 3 column layout:

<div class="uagb-cf7_styler-col">
 <span class="uagb-cf7_styler-col-1"> Field 1 </span>
 <span class="uagb-cf7_styler-col-2"> Field 2 </span>
 <span class="uagb-cf7_styler-col-3"> Field 3 </span>

For a 2 column layout:

<div class="uagb-cf7_styler-col">
 <span class="uagb-cf7_styler-col-1"> Field 1 </span>
 <span class="uagb-cf7_styler-col-2"> Field 2 </span>

Note: You can replace Field 1Field 2Field 3, etc with the field code of Contact Form 7. Such as :

<span>[text* your-name placeholder “Your Name”]</span>

All this has to be done in the form you create using Contact Form 7. Here is a quick code that will help you understand how you implement the same.

<div class="uagb-cf7_styler-col">
<span class="uagb-cf7_styler-col-1">[text* your-name placeholder "Your Name"]</span>
<span class="uagb-cf7_styler-col-2">[email* your-email placeholder "Your Email"]</span>
<div class="uagb-cf7_styler-col">
<span>[text your-subject placeholder "Your Subject"]</span>
<div class="uagb-cf7_styler-col">
<span>[textarea your-message placeholder "Your Message"]</span>
<div class="uagb-cf7_styler-col">
<span>[submit "Send"]</span>

The above code was an example of the backend settings in Contact Form 7. Take a look at the screenshot below to see how it looks.