Headings play an important role on a website. The more attractive your heading looks, the more attention you’ll be grabbing on to it.
The Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg provides stunning options with the Advanced Heading Block. You can customize your headings, add a sub-heading, use separator and customize them completely.
Have a look at the stunning demo here. In this article, we’ll see some important features of this block.
Key features –
- Add heading, sub-heading, and link
- Heading alignment (left, center, right)
- Set typography and colors for heading, sub-heading
- Customize separator with height, width and color options
- Manage space between heading, subheading, and separator
Add a text to heading, subheading and you can customize it completely.
Typography and Color options for Heading, Subheading
Typography tab offers options to set a custom font size for the heading and subheading. You can also choose a heading tag for the heading.
Colors tab offers different color options for Heading, Subheading
Heading alignment (left, center, right)
Choose alignment for the heading, separator, and subheading.
Customize separator
Under Colors tab, you will find an option to set the color for a separator. Under Additional Options tab, you can set height and width for the separator.
Manage space between heading, subheading, and separator
Spacing settings can be found under the Additional Options tab.